Template Blog Post- Replace this text with your blog post title (this will become your url of the unique blog post)1

To use this as a template- go into the menu on the right, select "Blog" when you see "Draft Blog Post- Use this as a template" look for the link to the right which says "copy" click on that link- it will duplicate this blog post into a new blog post- which you can use the elements, editing the title, sub titles and content for your new blog post- this will save you time when writing a new post.

Use Subheadings for ease of reading and SEO benefit (include keywords in subheadings)

people stay on websites longer, the longer customers are on website the increased percentage of buying
People stay on websites with images longer

People stay on webpages longer when they have images.  
Always use text boxes with photos- one photo: 2-3 paragraphs of text. 


Break up spacing in text to create clear space in between lines & paragraphs, even if a paragraph isn't grammatically correct, having a space between the end of one sentence and the next makes it easier to read and keeps people on your website longer. 


The longer people stay on your website the better for your SEO-time on a website is an indicator Google uses to measure how valuable your website is. 



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