This is a LARGE heading element

This is a medium heading element!

This is a text box.


Text box elements expand depending on the amount of text in them.


You can type straight into them, or you can copy and paste text you've already written. 


You can change the formatting of the text, just like in Word, making some words bold or italic, or even bold and italic. 


You can change the font colour too


  • And add bullet points by selecting the text and clicking on either the 
  • numbered bullet point button (below) 
  • the the standard bullet point button (also below) 
  • you can add a link to another website on the text too by highlighting the text and clicking on the "link" button. 

Using the link button, you can select an internal link- to a previously published page on your website. 


Or you can choose a specific blog post you've already published


Or you can choose an external link & type in a url (web address) of any other website. 


email venue queen




Have a wonderful day!



Eventbrite - Websites for Business Owners-Oct

below is "column" element which other elements sit within:

Business event networking speakers, desklodge hemel

This is a medium heading element


This text element is inside a "column" element which allows you to show elements side by side on your webpages. 


You can display any of the elements in a column. 



This text element is inside a "column" element which allows you to show elements side by side on your webpages. 


You can display any of the elements in a column. 


This text element is inside a "column" element which allows you to show elements side by side on your webpages. 


You can display any of the elements in a column. 




You can add alt text here- to describe to search engines what the picture is (they can't read images)
This is an image element

Vital Wellness Clinic

Cranbrook Drive St Albans AL4 0SR

This is a small heading element

This is a text box- useful for adding a street address when displaying a google map element (to the right) to help people find your business. 






Telephone: XXXXX / XX XX XX

This is a medium heading element above a photo gallery element

above this small heading element is a "horizontal line" element, below it is a "spacing" element

Below this medium heading is a "form" element

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

Please enter the code:

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

You can use "share buttons" element to display social media buttons

You can add "download file" element

image of soufles
2016-05-04 12.59.23.jpg
JPG Image 982.1 KB
Customer Profiling Exercise by Claire Boyles Success Matters
A set of questions to help you understand your customers needs and desires, so that you can more effectively market to them.
Start Up Business Coaching Package- Vouc
Adobe Acrobat Document 849.6 KB

You can use "video" element by simply copying & pasting a link for a YouTube video:

You can insert a table               £4 To display information easily
tables are very flexible £             5 you can add rows & columns easily